BC Athletics issued an update today on COVID-19. Please see below:
Based on the continuing escalation of COVID-19 and in discussion with Greg White, Chair, BC Athletics Board of Directors, together with having received a report of non-social / physical distancing at a Club Track & Field practice and concerns raised by the Provincial Health Officer, BC Health Minister and Mayors of Cities and Districts that the public was not adhering to the absolute need for Social / Physical Distancing, the BC Athletics Board of Directors want to immediately advise all BC Athletics Individual Members, Member Clubs, and Club Members of the following change to the Training Guidelines in the BC Athletics Update – Coronavirus (COVID 19) #4:
2020-03-23 – Until further notice, BC Athletics clubs are to suspend training sessions due to the COVID-19 health crisis. This notice extends to BC Athletics member coaches who are coaching outside of the normal club organized training sessions and coaches who are not members of a club.
Athletes wanting to train through this period can do so on their own, without a coach present.
We expect all of our membership to conform with the spirit and letter of Government (Federal, Provincial, Local) mandates to help reduce the risk to our communities during this difficult time.
Thank you for your attention and stay safe.
Board of Directors and Staff of BC Athletics.
For full announcement, please visit the BC Athletics website here.
Based on this, Burnaby Striders will be suspending all club activities & training, until further notice. Our priority is to ensure our athletes, coaches and communities are safe and healthy. Let’s all do our part with social distancing, practicing good hygiene and staying at home where possible. We will commit to sharing further updates with you in the coming weeks, as we closely monitor further developments.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, during this very challenging time.
Burnaby Striders